n = NULL,
delta = 0,
sd = 1,
low_eqbound = NULL,
high_eqbound = NULL,
alpha = NULL,
power = NULL,
type = "two.sample"
number of observations per group. 2 sample sizes, in a vector, can be provided for the two sample case.
true difference in means (default is 0).
population standard deviation. Standard deviation of the differences for paired samples.
Equivalence bound. Can provide 1 value (negative value is taken as the lower bound) or 2 specific values that represent the upper and lower equivalence bounds.
Lower equivalence bounds. Deprecated use eqb.
Upper equivalence bounds. Deprecated use eqb.
a priori alpha-level (i.e., significance level).
power of the TOST procedure (1-beta).
string specifying the type of t-test.
The exact calculations of power are based on Owen’s Q-function or by direct integration of the bivariate non-central t-distribution (inspired by the PowerTOST package). Approximate power is implemented via the non-central t-distribution or the ‘shifted’ central t-distribution.
The power function in this package is limited. Please see the PowerTOST R package for more options.
Phillips KF. Power of the Two One-Sided Tests Procedure in Bioequivalence. J Pharmacokin Biopharm. 1990;18(2):137–44. doi: 10.1007/BF01063556
Diletti D, Hauschke D, Steinijans VW. Sample Size Determination for Bioequivalence Assessment by Means of Confidence Intervals. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol. 1991;29(1):1–8.
Other power: