• Added simple plot for TOSTt methods
  • Small fix to output for printed method for TOSTt
  • Change in the standard error formulation to Glass delta for independent samples
    • Hat tip to Paul Dudgeon for catching an error in the code that led to this development
    • Other small changes to standard error calcs (see vignettes for details)
  • Small modification to plot_smd to catch errors when attempting to plot
  • Brunner-Munzel updates
    • Added more warning messages
    • Changed default for simple_htest to 0.5 rather than 0
  • Fixed error with describe method for minimal effects test for TOSTt objects.
  • Small correction to the displayed equation for Cohen’s ds standard error. Thank you to Matthew B Jané for finding this error.
  • Added bootstrap options such as boot_smd_calc and boot_ses_calc.
    • Many functions also now allow for different CI methods for bootstrapped results.
  • Added Brunner-Munzel test
  • Updated documentation to include lifecycle labels
  • Created new function for two proportions tests (twoprop_test)
    • And power power_twoprop
  • Created new function for power for correlations (power_z_cor)
  • Deprecated old functions
  • Fixing the ggplot2 error related to after_stat update from that package.
  • Update documentation.
  • Add correlation functions z_cor_test, boot_cor_test, corsum_test, boot_compare_cor, and simple_htest
  • Add describe method to provide verbose output for analyses
    • Alternative describe_htest function for htest objects
  • Changed Glass’s delta SE for paired samples (minor).
  • Added smd_calc and ses_calc for just calculating the standardized effect sizes (no tests).
  • Default CIs for for SMDs are now NCT rather than the Goulet method.
  • compare_smd can be supplied with user provided standard errors.
  • Add log_TOST and boot_log_TOST function for comparing ratios of means.
  • Reduce the amount of text in the print methods
  • Formatting requirements for jamovi (all superficial changes)
  • Added “compare” functions.
    • compare_smd: Compare 2 SMDs from summary statistics
    • boot_compare_smd: Compare 2 SMDs from raw data
    • compare_cor: Compare 2 independent correlations
  • Added additional SMD options
    • Confidence intervals can now be estimated using other methods
    • smd_ci can be used to set the confidence interval method
    • Glass’s delta can now be calculated using the glass argument
  • Added additional standardized effect sizes for wilcox_TOST
    • ses argument can be set to “r”, “odds”, or “cstat”
    • Respectively, these will provide the rank-biserial correlation, odds, or concordance probability
  • Fix to Cohen’s drm calculation
  • jmv removed as dependency

“Avocado TOST” (Release date: 2022-02-05)


  • New t_TOST function
    • Generalized function for TOST for any type of t-test
    • S3 generic methods to print and plot results
  • New power_t_TOST function
    • Generalized function for t_TOST power analysis
    • Outputs the an object of power.htest class
  • Updated all jamovi functions to allow minimal effect tests
    • Direction of one-sided tests now allows
  • Added equ_anova and equ_ftest
    • Now allows equivalence (also called non-inferiority)
  • jamovi functions using t-test have more plotting options
  • Error in powerTOSTtwo fixed when determining N
  • All old t-test based TOST functions now have message telling users they are defunct
  • All TOST procedures have text results changed to provide more appropriate feedback.

(Release date: 2018-08-05)


  • Added a verbose = FALSE option to all functions.
  • Added Fisher’s z transformed CI to output of TOSTr.
  • Cleaned up the text and numeric output of the functions.
  • Renamed some variable names in the TOSTtwo.prop function for similarity with TOSTmeta.
  • Added warnings and error messages for possible incorrect input when using the functions.

(Release date: 2018-05-08)


  • Error in order in which p-value 1 and p-value 2 were reported for TOSTr due to incorrect use of abs(r) in function. (thanks to Nils Kroemer and Dan Quintana)
  • Fixed error in powerTOSTr function - instead of based on conversion to d, new function calculates directly from r and is more accurate.
  • Added testthat folder and initial unit tests.

(Release date: 2018-04-14)


  • Error in sensitivity analyses of powerTOSTpaired.raw, powerTOSTone.raw, powerTOSTtwo.raw where output was in Cohen’s d - now changed to output in raw scores, added sd to examples. (thanks to Lisa DeBruine)
  • Raw power functions still output ceiling N in message, but exact N in output value

(Release date: 2018-04-06)


  • Error in TOSTpaired.raw where t-test for TOST multiplied by sdiff (copied from TOSTpaired function) removed. CI were correct, but p-values did not match. Now tests are correct. (thanks to ontogenerator)
  • Changed text in TOSTr function (text copied from t-test script now changed to correlation)