A function to compare standardized mean differences (SMDs) between studies. This function is intended to be used to compare the compatibility of original studies with replication studies (lower p-values indicating lower compatibility).
se1 = NULL,
se2 = NULL,
paired = FALSE,
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater", "equivalence", "minimal.effect"),
null = 0,
SMDs from study 1 & 2, respectively.
sample size(s) from study 1 & 2, respectively (can be 1 number or vector of 2 numbers).
User supplied standard errors (SEs). This will override the internal calculations.
a logical indicating whether the SMD is from a paired or independent samples design. If a one-sample design, then paired must be set to TRUE.
a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "two.sided" (default), "greater", "less", "equivalence" (TOST), or "minimal.effect" (TOST). You can specify just the initial letter.
a number indicating the null hypothesis. For TOST, this would be equivalence bound.
Defunct: use alternative argument. Logical indicator (default = FALSE) to perform two one-sided tests of equivalence (TOST).
A list with class "htest" containing the following components:
"statistic": z-score.
"p.value": numeric scalar containing the p-value for the test under the null hypothesis.
"estimate": difference in SMD between studies.
"null.value": the specified hypothesized value for the null hypothesis.
"alternative": character string indicating the alternative hypothesis (the value of the input argument alternative). Possible values are "greater", "less", or "two-sided".
"method": Type of SMD.
"": "Summary Statistics" to denote summary statistics were utilized to obtain results.
"smd": SMDs input for the function.
"sample_sizes": Sample sizes input for the function.
"call": the matched call.
This function tests for differences between SMDs from independent studies (e.g., original vs replication).
Other compare studies: