
Development on TOSTr is complete, and for new code we recommend switching to corsum_test, which is easier to use, more featureful, and still under active development.

TOSTr(n, r, low_eqbound_r, high_eqbound_r, alpha, plot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)



number of pairs of observations


observed correlation


lower equivalence bounds (e.g., -0.3) expressed in a correlation effect size


upper equivalence bounds (e.g., 0.3) expressed in a correlation effect size


alpha level (default = 0.05)


set whether results should be plotted (plot = TRUE) or not (plot = FALSE) - defaults to TRUE


logical variable indicating whether text output should be generated (verbose = TRUE) or not (verbose = FALSE) - default to TRUE


Returns TOST p-value 1, TOST p-value 2, alpha, low equivalence bound r, high equivalence bound r, Lower limit confidence interval TOST, Upper limit confidence interval TOST


Goertzen, J. R., & Cribbie, R. A. (2010). Detecting a lack of association: An equivalence testing approach. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 63(3), 527-537. https://doi.org/10.1348/000711009X475853, formula page 531.


TOSTr(n=100, r = 0.02, low_eqbound_r=-0.3, high_eqbound_r=0.3, alpha=0.05)
#> Warning: `TOSTr()` was deprecated in TOSTER 0.4.0.
#>  Please use `corsum_test()` instead.
#> TOST results:
#> p-value lower bound: 0.0006
#> p-value upper bound: 0.002
#> Equivalence bounds (r):
#> low eqbound: -0.3 
#> high eqbound: 0.3
#> TOST confidence interval:
#> lower bound 90% CI: -0.146
#> upper bound 90% CI:  0.185
#> NHST confidence interval:
#> lower bound 95% CI: -0.177
#> upper bound 95% CI:  0.216
#> Equivalence Test Result:
#> The equivalence test was significant, p = 0.00218, given equivalence bounds of -0.300 and 0.300 and an alpha of 0.05.
#> Null Hypothesis Test Result:
#> The null hypothesis test was non-significant, p = 0.843, given an alpha of 0.05.
#> NHST: don't reject null significance hypothesis that the correlation is equal to 0 
#> TOST: reject null equivalence hypothesis