Analytic power calculation for one-way between designs.

power_oneway_between(design_result, alpha_level = 0.05)



Output from the ANOVA_design function


Alpha level used to determine statistical significance


mu = means

sigma = standard deviation

n = sample size

alpha_level = alpha level

Cohen_f = Cohen f

f_2 = Cohen's f^2

lambda = lambda

F_critical = Critical F-value

power = power

df1 = degrees of freedom for the effect

df2 = degrees of freedom of the error

eta_p_2 = partial eta-squared

mean_mat = matrix of the means


too be added


## Set up a within design with one factor with 2 levels,
## 40 participants (woh do all conditions), and standard deviation of 2
## with a mean pattern of 1, 0, 1, conditions labeled 'condition'
## with names for levels of "cheerful", "neutral", "sad"
design_result <- ANOVA_design(design = "3b", n = 40, mu = c(1, 0, 1),
      sd = 2, labelnames = c("condition", "cheerful", "neutral", "sad"))

power_result <- power_oneway_between(design_result, alpha_level = 0.05)