Simulates an exact dataset (mu, sd, and r represent empirical, not population, mean and covariance matrix) from the design to calculate power

  correction = Superpower_options("correction"),
  alpha_level = Superpower_options("alpha_level"),
  verbose = Superpower_options("verbose"),
  emm = Superpower_options("emm"),
  emm_model = Superpower_options("emm_model"),
  contrast_type = Superpower_options("contrast_type"),
  liberal_lambda = Superpower_options("liberal_lambda"),

  correction = Superpower_options("correction"),
  alpha_level = Superpower_options("alpha_level"),
  verbose = Superpower_options("verbose"),
  emm = Superpower_options("emm"),
  emm_model = Superpower_options("emm_model"),
  contrast_type = Superpower_options("contrast_type"),
  liberal_lambda = Superpower_options("liberal_lambda")



Output from the ANOVA_design function


Set a correction of violations of sphericity. This can be set to "none", "GG" Greenhouse-Geisser, and "HF" Huynh-Feldt


Alpha level used to determine statistical significance


Set to FALSE to not print results (default = TRUE)


Set to FALSE to not perform analysis of estimated marginal means


Set model type ("multivariate", or "univariate") for estimated marginal means


Select the type of comparison for the estimated marginal means. Default is pairwise. See ?emmeans::`contrast-methods` for more details on acceptable methods.


Logical indicator of whether to use the liberal (cohen_f^2\*(num_df+den_df)) or conservative (cohen_f^2\*den_df) calculation of the noncentrality (lambda) parameter estimate. Default is FALSE.


Set the comparisons for estimated marginal means comparisons. This is a factor name (a), combination of factor names (a+b), or for simple effects a | sign is needed (a|b)


Returns dataframe with simulation data (power and effect sizes!), anova results and simple effect results, plot of exact data, and alpha_level. Note: Cohen's f = sqrt(pes/1-pes) and the noncentrality parameter is = f^2*df(error)


A dataframe of the simulation result.


aov object returned from aov_car.


emmeans object returned from emmeans.


The power analysis results for ANOVA level effects.


The power analysis results for the pairwise (t-test) comparisons.


The power analysis results of the pairwise comparison results.


Default is "NULL". If a within-subjects factor is included, then the power of the multivariate (i.e. MANOVA) analyses will be provided.


The alpha level, significance cut-off, used for the power analysis.


Record of the function used to produce the simulation


A plot of the dataframe from the simulation; should closely match the meansplot in ANOVA_design


  • ANOVA_exact2: An extension of ANOVA_exact that uses the effect sizes calculated from very large sample size empirical simulation. This allows for small sample sizes, where ANOVA_exact cannot, while still accurately estimating power. However, model objects (emmeans and aov) are not included as output, and pairwise (t-test) results are not currently supported.


Varying the sd or r (e.g., entering multiple values) violates assumptions of homoscedascity and sphericity respectively


## Set up a within design with 2 factors, each with 2 levels,
## with correlation between observations of 0.8,
## 40 participants (who do all conditions), and standard deviation of 2
## with a mean pattern of 1, 0, 1, 0, conditions labeled 'condition' and
## 'voice', with names for levels of "cheerful", "sad", amd "human", "robot"
design_result <- ANOVA_design(design = "2w*2w", n = 40, mu = c(1, 0, 1, 0),
      sd = 2, r = 0.8, labelnames = c("condition", "cheerful",
      "sad", "voice", "human", "robot"))

exact_result <- ANOVA_exact(design_result, alpha_level = 0.05)
#> Power and Effect sizes for ANOVA tests
#>                 power partial_eta_squared cohen_f non_centrality
#> condition           5              0.0000  0.0000              0
#> voice             100              0.5618  1.1323             50
#> condition:voice     5              0.0000  0.0000              0
#> Power and Effect sizes for pairwise comparisons (t-tests)
#>                                                                 power
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_human_condition_cheerful_voice_robot 99.82
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_human_condition_sad_voice_human       5.00
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_human_condition_sad_voice_robot      99.82
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_robot_condition_sad_voice_human      99.82
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_robot_condition_sad_voice_robot       5.00
#> p_condition_sad_voice_human_condition_sad_voice_robot           99.82
#>                                                                 effect_size
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_human_condition_cheerful_voice_robot       -0.79
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_human_condition_sad_voice_human             0.00
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_human_condition_sad_voice_robot            -0.79
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_robot_condition_sad_voice_human             0.79
#> p_condition_cheerful_voice_robot_condition_sad_voice_robot             0.00
#> p_condition_sad_voice_human_condition_sad_voice_robot                 -0.79